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Mass Delete Tweets - Tweet Deleter

Mass Delete Tweets - Tweet Deleter is a Chrome add-on developed by tweetgrok34. It falls under the category of Browsers and is specifically classified as an Add-ons & Tools program. This free software offers users the ability to batch delete tweets, replies, or unlike all tweets by setting filter conditions such as keywords, date, number of likes, and replies.

With its rich configuration options, users can easily delete tweets and unlike tweets based on specific criteria. Additionally, the program provides a backup function to ensure convenient recovery of tweets if needed. The software's advanced filtering capabilities allow for bulk deletion of comments or cancellation of likes with just one click, making the process simple and fast.

One of the standout features of Mass Delete Tweets - Tweet Deleter is its automatic execution functionality. Users can easily configure the program and initiate tasks with a single click, allowing the tool to automate repetitive tasks. Furthermore, the software ensures privacy protection by saving data locally and preventing any leaks.

To delete all tweets, users simply need to open the extension and enable the "delete all" option, then start the task. If users want to view deleted tweets, they can visit the Wayback Machine's website. By entering the URL of their Twitter page and selecting the date range, they can browse the history and retrieve deleted tweets with accompanying photos and text.

It's important to note that Mass Delete Tweets - Tweet Deleter is not an official plugin and is not affiliated with Twitter Inc., which owns the Twitter trademark.

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